Ambient Light Sensors banner
As a global leader in innovative light and sensor solutions we offer a unique product and technology portfolio for sensing, illumination and visualization:
from high-performance LEDs and lasers to mixed-signal analog ICs and sensors.
Asset Publisher
PartNo Description Datasheet Demo Buy PartNo
TSL25911 Light-to-digital converter with Vdd I2C interface TSL25911
TSL2584TSV Light-to-digital converter with I2C interface TSL2584TSV
TSL2580 Light-to-digital converter with SMBus interface TSL2580
TSL25723 Light-to-digital converter with 1.8V I2C interface TSL25723
TSL25721 Light-to-digital converter with Vdd I2C interface TSL25721
TSL25713 Light-to-digital converter with 1.8V I2C interface TSL25713
TSL25711 Light-to-digital converter with Vdd I2C interface TSL25711
TSL2569 Light-to-digital converter with I2C interface TSL2569
TSL2561 Light-to-digital converter with I2C interface TSL2561
TSL2541 Light-to-Digital Converter with I²C interface TSL2541
TSL2540 Light-to-Digital Converter with I²C interface TSL2540
TSL2521 Hightly sensitive ambient light sensor with selective flicker detection TSL2521
TSL2520 Highly sensitive ambient light sensor TSL2520
TSL2585 Ultra thin light sensor ALS and UVA module TSL2585