Color Sensor banner


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TCS3530 High Accuracy Color Sensor Mimicking the Human Eye TCS3530
TCS34727 Color light-to-digital converter 1.8V I²C and IR filter TCS34727
TCS34725 Color light-to-digital converter Vdd I²C and IR filter TCS34725
TCS34717 Color light-to-digital converter 1.8V I²C TCS34717
TCS34715 Color light-to-digital converter Vdd I²C TCS34715
TCS3430 XYZ Color light-to-digital converter with Vdd I²C 1.8V TCS3430
TCS3410 Universal ambient light RGB sensor for behind OLED displays or auxiliary to camera TCS3410
TCS3408 TCS3408 Color and 50/60 Hz Ambient light flicker detection sensor TCS3408
TCS3400 Color light-to-digital converter with 5th IR channel Vdd I²C TCS3400
TCS3200 Programmable color light-to-frequency converter TCS3200
AS73211 Industrial-grade XYZ color sensor with high sensitivity and dynamic range AS73211