Color Sensor & Prox banner
As a global leader in innovative light and sensor solutions we offer a unique product and technology portfolio for sensing, illumination and visualization:
from high-performance LEDs and lasers to mixed-signal analog ICs and sensors.
Asset Publisher
PartNo Description Datasheet Demo Buy PartNo
TMD3721 for Behind OLED Applications TMD3721
TCS3720 for Behind OLED Applications TCS3720
TMD4903 Color, ALS, and proximity sensor module with mobeam™ and universal remote control TMD4903
TMD3725 3-in-1 small aperture color light sensor, proximity sensor and IR LED in an optical module 1.8V I²C TMD3725
TCS37727 Color light-to-digital converter with proximity sensing, I2C = 1.8V interface TCS37727
TCS37717 Color light-to-digital converter with proximity sensing, I²C = 1.8V TCS37717
TCS3707 TCS3707 Color, Proximity, 50/60 Hz Ambient light flicker detection sensor TCS3707
TMD3702VC 3-in-1 color light sensor, proximity sensor and IR VCSEL in a narrow 1.44mm optical module 1.8V I2C TMD3702VC
TCS3701 Light-to-Digital Converter with I²C interface TCS3701